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I wasn't sure if I did it right, but suddenly everything seemed to slow down and I had a serious case of the giggles. I began to laugh as I passed the joint back to Kesha. "Ha ha ha it feels like I'm floating"Kesha tossed the joint roach in the garbage, as we made our way back into the living room. She asked if I wanted to go out and do something wild. I said no because I was entirely too high. Then she asked if I had any girls I could call. I explained to her that I've never had a girlfriend before. Then she asked me if I liked any of her friends. She said she knew of a few girls who would make out with me if I got them high. When I said I wasn't interested in any of them, she wanted to know why. "I've seen you checking out my friends. So I know for a fact that you'd jump at the chance to fuck any of them if you had the opportunity. So what's up little bro?"I could sense the sincerity in her voice, showing me that she really cared for me, so I decided to come clean. "Well, I have. She was very demanding that way, a trait that I encouraged in her. Any number of my buddies described me as pussywhipped, and I couldn’t really argue with them. Then again, seeing Kelly in her underwear, or less, really made it worthwhile!By the end of the season, I was the top-ranking defender on the team, based on tackles and sacks, with Earl Ray close behind me. Interestingly, the third ranking defender was Brax, and he had the most interceptions of anybody on the team. On the offense, Speed Demon was number one in scoring, rushing, and pass reception. That surprised nobody. What did surprise most of us was that Brax Hughes was our third ranking scorer, even ahead of a couple of the offense’s running backs. He told me once that Coach Summers had asked him to play on the offense, switching to becoming a running back, but Brax preferred being on the defense. He liked tackling people!One of the more interesting things that I discovered in varsity football was that you didn’t just.
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